Material Reproduction Policy
Reproduction of Online Materials Policy
From time to time, the Canadian Kennel Club, Inc. (“CKC”) may, at its sole discretion, allow individuals or organizations to reproduce sections, articles, stories, or graphics from the CKC website (referred to as “CKC Material”) for offline use. Those seeking permission to reproduce CKC Material must obtain prior approval from CKC as outlined below. If granted permission, the user must credit CKC as specified by CKC and include the URL from which the CKC Material was sourced. Requests to reproduce materials not owned by CKC will not be considered. CKC reserves the right to deny any request, for any reason, without explanation.
CKC does not permit the reproduction of CKC Material for online use by others. Instead, CKC requires that individuals or organizations link to the CKC website in accordance with CKC’s Linking Policy.
Authorization Procedure
To request permission to reproduce CKC Material for offline use, a written request must be submitted via email or mail to The request should include:
- The name of the individual and/or organization.
- The individual’s or organization’s address, phone number, email address, and website URL (if applicable).
- A detailed description of the intended use of the material.
- A precise description of the CKC Material to be reproduced and the URL where it can be found.
- The number of copies to be produced.
If the request is approved, CKC will send written authorization granting permission to reproduce the CKC Material. If CKC is not the owner of the requested material, the requester will be notified.
CKC will retain the written request, along with the authorization or denial, for its records.