Legal Notices

  • Linking Guidelines
  • Content Reproduction Policy
  • Third-Party Website Links
  • Online Security Measures
  • Recognizing Email Scams
  • User Support
  • Reports & Information Assistance
  • Product & Supply Support

Website Compatibility

For the best browsing experience, we recommend using an updated version of the following web browsers:

  • Google Chrome (Version 85 or newer)
  • Mozilla Firefox (Version 78 or newer)
  • Safari (Version 13 or newer)
  • Microsoft Edge (Version 85 or newer)
  • Samsung Internet (Version 12 or newer)
  • Android WebView (Version 85 or newer)

If your browser version is outdated, we advise upgrading to a newer version of Chrome or Firefox to access all site features and personalization options.

To ensure a seamless shopping experience in the CKC Store, please enable cookies in your browser settings. Cookies help track your progress through the shopping process without collecting personal data from your device.

Supported Browsers & Plug-Ins

Web browsers continue to improve, offering enhanced performance and ease of use. The latest versions are available for free.

To check which version of your browser you’re using, open your browser menu, go to Help, and select “About…”

Compatible Browsers:

Google Chrome (85+)
Mozilla Firefox (78+)
Safari (13+)
Microsoft Edge (85+)
Samsung Internet (12+)
Android WebView (85+)

🚨 Important: Internet Explorer is no longer supported.


Web browsers are designed to display text and images. Plug-ins are additional software components that enhance a browser’s functionality, such as enabling it to play audio or video files. Typically, your browser will identify the required plug-ins, notify you, and provide a download option.

Currently, our site offers a few special types of files, and you’ll need the following plug-ins to view them. These plug-ins are free to download, and the respective websites provide detailed guidance on how to download, install, and use them. To get the plug-ins, follow these links:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader®
  • Macromedia Flash Player®
  • Macromedia Shockwave®
  • Apple QuickTime®

Be sure to install the plug-ins after downloading them.

Supported Devices

We support the following devices:

  • iPhones: iPhone 7 and newer
  • iPads: iPad Pro 9.7-inch, iPad Mini 4, iPad 5th generation, iPad 12.9-inch, and iPad Air 3rd generation (iOS 13 or newer)
  • Galaxy Phones: Galaxy 9 and newer (Android 8 or newer)
  • Windows PCs: Running Windows 7 or newer
  • Apple Macs: Running macOS 10.12 or newer

Reports & Information Help

  • Cookies Information:
    To fully experience the CKC Store, enabling cookies is necessary. If you’re unsure how to adjust your cookie settings or need help, please refer to your browser or operating system’s help files or contact technical support. Cookies are used only to track your shopping progress, not to collect personal data from your device.

  • JavaScript and Pop-Up Windows:
    Our website, particularly the CKC Store, relies on JavaScript. If your browser doesn’t support JavaScript or it’s disabled, you won’t be able to access or use the CKC Store. If you have pop-up blockers installed, ensure they are disabled to fully access all features of the store.

  • Creating an Account:
    To sign up for a new account, follow the registration process on our website’s sign-up page.

  • Logging Into Your Account:
    To log in, simply enter your registered username and password in the login area.

  • Password Recovery:
    If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it by using the “forgot password” option on the login screen.

  • Adding a Report to Your Cart:
    Select the report you want to purchase and click the option to add it to your shopping cart.

  • Tracking Your Order Status:
    To check the current status of your order, visit the order tracking page in your account.

  • Tracking Your Report’s Processing Status:
    You can monitor the progress of your online report via your account’s report section.

  • Viewing an Invoice:
    Access and view your invoice from your order history page under your account.

  • Viewing Order Processing History:
    To see the details of your order’s progress, visit the order status section in your account.

  • Saving a Report as an HTML File:
    To save a report, select the “save as HTML” option when viewing it.

  • Viewing an Online Report:
    Access your online report by clicking the appropriate link on your account page.

  • Changing Your Password:
    Visit your account settings to update your password.

  • Updating Your Account Information:
    Make changes to your account details through the settings page on your account.

  • Checking Dog Performance Points:
    View your dog’s points and performance by visiting the relevant section of your account.

  • Selecting a Dog:
    Choose a dog by navigating to the dog selection page in your account.

  • Searching for Products:
    Use the search bar in the CKC Store to find specific products.

  • About Online Pedigrees:
    Learn more about online pedigrees in the dedicated section that explains how they work and how to use them.

Creating an Account

  1. Navigate to the “Store” by clicking on the gray bar at the top of any page on our website.
  2. Click on the “View all reports and information” graphic in the light blue column at the top of the page.
  3. Select “Login.”
  4. Click on the option, “Do you want to create an account?”
  5. Enter your account and contact details. Required fields are clearly marked in bold.
  6. Click the “Create Account” button to finalize your registration.

Logging In as a Registered Customer

  1. Click “Store” located on the gray bar at the top of any page.
  2. Click on the “View all reports and information” graphic at the top of the light blue column.
  3. Select “Login.”
  4. Enter your account name and password in the designated fields.
  5. Click “Login” to access your account.

Alternate Login Method:
For the new CKC Store, you don’t need to log in right away. If you’re purchasing products, login will only be required at checkout. For reports, you’ll need to log in before accessing that section. Once prompted, simply follow the steps above to log in.

Requesting a Forgotten Password

  1. Click “Store” on the gray bar at the top of any page.
  2. Click “View all reports and information” at the top of the light blue column.
  3. Click “Login.”
  4. Select “Forgot your password?”
  5. Enter your account name, then click “Send Password.”
  6. Your password will be sent to the email address associated with your account.

Adding an Online Report to Your Cart

  1. Click “Store” on the gray bar at the top of any page.
  2. Click “View all reports and information” in the light blue column.
  3. In the online store, find the “AKC Reports” box on the left navigation and click on “Pedigrees/Reports.”
  4. Choose the type of report you’d like to view.
  5. If you’re not logged in, you will be prompted to do so.
  6. Select a dog from the dropdown menu.
  7. At the bottom of the page, select your preferred report options.
  8. Add the report to your cart by clicking “Add to Wagon.”
  9. Click “View Wagon” to review the contents of your cart.

Checking the Processing Status of an Order

  1. Our checkout page now includes a feature that lets you track orders placed within the last 72 hours.
  2. Click “Order Status” to view:
    • Order Number: Displays the order number if processing is complete. Click it to view the full invoice.
    • Payment Status: Indicates whether payment has been processed.
      • “PEND” means the system is still trying to process the payment.
      • “Success” shows the payment was successfully processed.
      • “Credit Card Declined” means the card couldn’t be processed, possibly due to incorrect details or expiration. If unsuccessful after several attempts, try a different card.
    • Order Status: Displays whether the item(s) are pending authorization or already purchased, including shipping dates.
      • “Return to Wagon” means the order could not be processed. Click “Wagon” to try the purchase again.

Checking the Processing Status of an Online Report

  1. Log in to the CKC Store.
  2. Click on “View Wagon” in the toolbar of any store page.
  3. Check the wagon to see where the report is located:
    • Reports currently being created.
    • Reports ready for checkout.
    • Reports available for viewing, printing, or saving.

Displaying an Invoice

  1. Log in to the CKC Store.
  2. Click on “Order Status.”
  3. In the dropdown menu, choose a date range, then click “Go.”
  4. Click the order number next to an order to view its invoice.

Viewing the Processing History of an Order

  1. Log in to the CKC Store.
  2. Click on “Order Status.”
  3. In the dropdown menu, select a date range and click “Go.”
  4. The processing histories of all orders within the selected range will appear in a table.

Saving a Report on Your Computer as an HTML File

  1. Log in to the CKC Store.
  2. Click on “View Wagon” in the toolbar of any store page.
  3. Click the “View” icon next to a report that is ready to view to open it in your browser.
  4. Open your browser’s “Save As” dialog box (usually found in the File menu).
  5. In the “Save As” dialog, use the “Save In” dropdown menu to navigate to the folder where you’d like to save the file.
  6. In the “File Name” text box, enter a memorable file name and use the .html extension (e.g., myreport.html).
  7. Click “Save.”
  8. Double-click the saved file to open it in a browser, formatted for printing. When online, links in the report will be clickable.

Viewing an Online Information Report

  1. Log in to the CKC Store.
  2. Click on “View Wagon” in the toolbar of any store page.
  3. Click the “View” icon next to a report to display it in a new window.
  4. Use your browser’s “Save As” function (usually found under the File menu) to save the report as an HTML file.
  5. Double-click the saved file to view it in your browser, formatted for printing. Links in the report will be clickable when you are connected to the Internet.

Changing Your Password

  1. Log in to the CKC Store.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Account Management.”
  3. Click “Update Your Account.”
  4. Enter and confirm your new password, then click “Update Account.”
  5. Use your new password the next time you log in.

Updating Your Account Information

  1. Log in to the CKC Store.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Account Management.”
  3. Click “Update Your Account.”
  4. Enter your updated account and contact information, then click “Update Account.”
  5. Click “Update Account” again to save the changes.

Products & Supplies Online Store Assistance

If you encounter any issues with the Products & Supplies store, please reach out to customer service:

You can also use the Customer Service Contact Form for further assistance.

Order Status and Tracking

  • 365-Day Return Policy
  • Best Price Guarantee
  • Shipping and Delivery
  • Online Store Privacy Policy

Checking Your Dog’s Points

To check your dog’s points, visit the CKC Store. If you don’t have an account, you must first register as a new user and log in.

  1. Once logged in, navigate to the online store and locate the box on the left labeled “CKC Reports.”
  2. From the list, select “Pedigrees/Reports” and then choose “Points and Awards.”
  3. If you’re not logged in, you’ll be prompted to log in.
  4. Select the dog from the drop-down menu. If your dog is not listed, click “click here to search for a new one.” Enter the registration number or the dog’s breed and exact name spelling, then click “Go.”
  5. If multiple dogs appear, choose the one you want by clicking on the registration number. To use this dog for all reports, click “use this dog for all reports.”
  6. To view your dog’s points in CKC events, click “View Points/Summary of the Title Progression for this dog.”
    • You can access point details and title progression across all types of CKC events, such as Conformation, Obedience, Agility, Field Trials, and more.
    • To view events not included in the Awards Record, click “View events not included in the Awards Record at this time.”
  7. You can review a sample of an Awards Record before purchasing by selecting “View a sample Awards Record.”
  8. To order the report, scroll to the bottom and click “Add to Wagon.” After that, click “Checkout” to complete your purchase.
  9. Once finished, click “Logout” from the toolbar on any page.

Selecting a Dog

  1. When you enter the online store, look for the box labeled “CKC Reports.”
  2. After selecting a report, you will be prompted to log in (if not logged in already).
  3. Once logged in, you can select a dog from the drop-down menu to begin searching.

Searching for Products

To search for products, follow these steps:

  1. Use the “Product Search” box on the left side of the screen to search by keyword or phrase.
  2. For a more refined search, click on the “Advanced Search” link to filter results using multiple categories.

Please note that the search bar in the gray header is not for product searches and will not help you locate items in the CKC Store.

Reporting Website Issues

To report any issues with the website, email For assistance with the Online Store, email